Kevin Bieksa Calls NHL Player a Rat in Rant Against His Recent Play

Dawson McKenzie
January 7, 2024  (10:26)

Kevin Bieksa during the Sportsnet Panel ranting on Nick Cousins.
Photo credit: X.com

Kevin Bieksa didn't hold back during his panel time on Saturday night, calling out this NHL player and boldly calling him a rat.

Kevin Bieksa Calls Cousins a Rat For Recent Hit to the Head

Kevin Bieksa has been one to speak his mind on the Sportsnet panel, however, he rarely if ever goes after players for dirty plays. Being a former player himself, he knows that oftentimes players don't intend to do anything dirty and if they do it's usually part of the game or justified.
However, he didn't hold back on Nick Cousins for his recent hits, calling him out for a pattern of play and turtling on the bottom of the pile.
"What people don't wanna watch and see is kneeing, hitting a guys head into the boards, ramming a guy from behind and that is a common theme for [Nick Cousins]," began Bieksa on Hockey Night in Canada. "I have never done this before but I have to do it, because this is a trend with this player."

"There's no place in the game for this and what is the common theme in all of these? Him at the bottom of the pile in a turtle position," said Bieksa with disgust. "This has been a common theme with this player... somebody in that organization or somebody that he respects has to sit down and say 'Enough of this' or the NHL has to come down and hammer this guy."

Cousins has been in the media a lot for his recent hits, under scrutiny for the hit and not having any repercussions from the NHL. Bieksa obviously believes that he should have been suspended, and is fed up with no repercussions.

Bieksa Calls Cousins a Rat and Believes that Something Needs to be Done to End His Pattern

Bieksa didn't hold back on calling out Cousins directly. He went so far as saying he hates the hit, and that it is 'rat play'. Take a look at the full rant below.
"Somebody has to hammer this guy from the department of justice and put an end to these crappy hits because I hate em and that's a rat to me," said Bieksa. "I'm sorry it is."

We will see how the League reacts to Cousin's play. He is definitely on a short leash with the League, and its safe to assume that players will have their head on a swivel when he is on the ice.
As seen on Hockey Feed - "Kevin Bieksa calls out «rat» NHLer on Saturday night."
Kevin Bieksa Calls NHL Player a Rat in Rant Against His Recent Play

Do you think that the NHL should have suspended Cousins?

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