Analyst's highly controversial statement: Suzuki and Caufield are going to be 2nd line players

January 9, 2023  (11:40)

The Habs' surprising start to the season is largely due to two things. The exceptional performance of the goaltenders in some one-sided games, and the brilliance of the Tricolore's first trio of Nick Suzuki, Cole Caufield and Kirby Dach, who was added during the campaign.

Without a doubt, this is by far the best trio the Habs have had in a long time, and together they generate the vast majority of the Habs' offense.
But according to the very colorful analyst Simon Boisvert, a first trio including Suzuki and Caufield will not be enough to hope to approach the Stanley Cup in the next few years.
While appearing on Tony Marinaro's excellent podcast, The Sick Podcast, the man nicknamed The Snake went on a very controversial statement to the effect that Caufield and Suzuki wouldn't even be on a first trio of a top contending team!
"Having Nick Suzuki and Cole Caufield on a first trio is fine for a rebuilding or mid-peloton team. But to aspire to the Stanley Cup, they will have to be second trio players because the Habs have managed to build a better first trio. If they play on a second trio, the Habs would definitely be a top contender." - Simon Boisvert

The former QMJHL scout notes that one of the reasons why the two young forwards would be second-trio players on a contending team is because Suzuki tends to take games off, and he's not the hardest worker, while, aside from his excellent offensive contribution, Caufield's all-around game has several flaws.
What jumps out at me is that it's obvious that a cup contending team doesn't just roll with a successful trio either.
If you look at the Tampa Bay Lightning, who won back-to-back championships, it was primarily the team's third unit of Yanni Gourdre, Barclay Goodrow and Blake Coleman that made the difference in games where the team's offensive trios were muzzled.
Currently, the Habs have only one trio worthy of the name, and that's Suzuki and Caufield. The rest of the lineup is made up of a combination of remaining assets that may not be in the lineup once the Tricolore becomes a playoff contender again.
It's easy to judge the contribution of the CH's current top line from the outside, but with the team being composed this way right now, the opponent only has to counter this line to virtually destroy the Habs' chances of winning.
One thing is certain, Kent Hughes will have to build two other effective offensive trios in the next few years to support Suzuki's. That's how great teams work.
Check out the podcast in its entirety below:

Credit: HabsolumentFan
Analyst's highly controversial statement: Suzuki and Caufield are going to be 2nd line players

Do you agree with Simon Boisvert that Nick Suzuki & Cole Caufield are 2nd string players on a contending team?

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