Freshly acquired from the Canadiens by the Red Wings, Jeff Petry will be able to don the jersey he's always dreamed of wearing. A native of the Detroit area, it's an honor for him to play for the Red Wings. <iiffrraammee src= width=500 height=660 style=border:none;overflow:hidden scrolling=no frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=true allow=autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share></iiffrraammee> Petry's words are those of a fulfilled, relieved and very happy man. Understandably so, given that the situation surrounding his departure and return to Montreal was not very favorable. The defenseman knows full well that if he is a member of the Red Wings today, it's thanks to the kind heart of Kent Hughes. In fact, the Canadiens' general manager made him a promise, which he kept. Not only did Hughes ask Petry where he wanted to play, he also promised to do everything in his power to make sure his children didn't miss the start of the new school year, which meant trading him in before September. Jeff's favorite destination was Detroit, and Hughes made it work. It may not sound like much, but Hughes is still scoring points and the word is definitely getting out in the NHL. The players must be thrilled to hear a story like this, and it's sure to help the Habs attract players in the coming years. <iiffrraammee src= width=500 height=634 style=border:none;overflow:hidden scrolling=no frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=true allow=autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share></iiffrraammee>