Ever since Kent Hughes made Casey DeSmith's acuisition, all eyes have been on the Montreal goaltending situation. While uncertainty hangs over Jake Allen and DeSmith, Montembeault is guaranteed to stay, while Primeau is already in the running in many minds. However, plans may not be so simple. According to Laval Rocket coach Jean-François Houle, Primeau is definitely NHL-ready. That's not what we've seen so far, when his statistics are very ordinary in the league. Does the organization see something in him that we, as fans, don't? <blockquote class=twitter-tweet><p lang=fr dir=ltr>But we all know what the problem is right now with the 24-year-old goalie → <a href=https://t.co/d0Lf2FFKSe>https://t.co/d0Lf2FFKSe</a>- DansLesCoulisses (@DLCoulisses) <a href=https://twitter.com/DLCoulisses/status/1690053989524480020?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>August 11, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src=https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js charset=utf-8> We remember that Samuel Montembeault had the same type of profile as Primeau, before evolving in a big way this season. He always had his place because he was a fighter who never gave up. Is Primeau in the same category? We'll know soon enough what Kent Hughes' intentions are in this matter, but in light of Houle's comments, we can expect anything. You can listen to what the Rocket head coach had to say on TSN 690 by <a href='https://www.tsn.ca/radio/montreal-690/houle-pinard-a-joy-to-coach-1.1994421' class='lien_marqueur' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>clicking here.</a>