A huge deal involving Kirby Dach has just come up and there is a lot of talk about it

January 27, 2023  (11:59)

Former Montreal Canadiens player and BPM Sports host Georges Laraque caused another huge stir on social media yesterday when he suggested trading Kirby Dach, who is literally blossoming before our eyes.

"Despite Kirby Dach's recent success, Georges Laraque wouldn't hesitate at all to trade him for Pierre-Luc Dubois.

What do you think?" - BPM Sports

Laraque even mentions this:
"I'm doing it right now! (Dach vs. Dubois)" - Georges Laraque

Do you agree with him?
It must be said right off the bat that this transaction is absolute nonsense for the Montreal Canadiens.
Why trade a center for another center, who is three years older and who will have to sign a new deal that will most likely cost double what Kirby Dach is currently making?
Let's not forget that the CH number 77 is paid $3.362M for three more seasons after this year, while Dubois, with the season he is having right now, should not sign for less than $8M per year this summer, as he will become a restricted free agent.
Also, from a rebuilding perspective, you need to accumulate the pieces that will make the Habs better, by acquiring Dubois for Dach, in the best case scenario, the Habs would be trading "four quarters for a dollar" in terms of long term talent, but you're going to be taking over $4M more off your payroll for the next three years.
Also, Dubois has been clear about his desire to come play in Montreal. If he doesn't want to sign in Winnipeg, the Jets will have to trade him, but they won't get the short end of the stick on this one, since in any case, any team that expresses interest in him will want to make a long-term deal afterwards.
If Dubois absolutely wants to come to Montreal after the 2023-2024 season, where he will become an unrestricted free agent, Winnipeg will not be able to ask for the moon for him, let alone demand a Dach from the Habs in return.
Considering that Kent Hughes goal is to improve the team in the long run, it makes absolutely no sense to trade Dach to add Dubois. The goal would be to have Dach AND Dubois.
To do this, the Habs have a lot of ammunition to build a trade offer that will not take away talent from the immediate roster, especially from young players that Hughes wants to build his core around.
Again, this is a Laraque proposal that makes no sense and doesn't even improve the Habs in the long run.
Credit: HabsetLNH.com
A huge deal involving Kirby Dach has just come up and there is a lot of talk about it

With all the explanations on the transaction, would you make the trade proposed by Laraque of Kirby Dach for Pierre-Luc Dubois?

Yes812.7 %
No5587.3 %
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